Tuesday, June 21, 2011


We have just 3 more days until we get the keys to our new home! I can hardly wait. Our final walk through of the house is on Thursday night and then Friday afternoon we sign the final papers and get the keys! :-) We were planning on moving things gradually over since we have a month left at our current place, but we're too excited to wait. I've been looking at magazines, web pages online, and at the store of ideas to do to the house. I'm so excited to start buying things, I've had to wait, since we didn't have the place to put it in the little duplex we're in right now. Its going to be so much fun getting the house together. :-)

Our new puppy Lucy has adjusted very well and is super loving.  She adores Tele, and is never far from him, unless she is sleeping in my lap. At the moment, she seems to be leaning towards being a "mama's girl." lol. I've taught her to not nibble on my face and hands as much, so she settles down quick and just cuddles. However, with Josh...its full on playtime every minute for her. lol. She waddles  after him and as soon as he picks her up, she starts to nibble on his face, ears, and hands.  She definately has an attitude about her, lol. She starts to cry as soon as she is disturbed from sleeping. If Tele or Josh bother her too much, she whines and waddles over into my lap. lol. Its very funny. But once she feels rested, Tele is her favorite. She constantly chases after him, attempts to play tug-o-war, and wrestles with him. They are the best of friends already. Its very funny though. I really feel like I have two children, when I get home, both of them are battling it out to get into my lap first. Lucy wins because she is so small, but Tele has no problem pushing her right out or simply sitting on top of her.lol.

The past week was a pretty tough one. I was pretty sick with what I thought was a sinus infection, but then I ended up losing my voice as well, so I'm not sure what it was. I took meds for 7 days before I was "better" even now, I'm still pretty congested, but at least my mind is clear. I have a major certifcation test for my job to prepare and study for. I've been in a 10 week training class for it. So being sick right now was a bad time. But thankfully I only ended up missing one day of work and was able to catch up on missed material.  I'm pretty sure that whatever I was sick with, stemmed from my allergies. I haven't been able to get my allergy shots because of of my insurance change with my jobs (I will start the shots again next month) and its made my allergies flare up big time. I've been told that I have very small bone inside my nose, so small that if I sneeze too many times in a row, my nose swells shut. So when I'm sick, its no fun. Apparently, I can fix this by having a surgery in which the doctor would shave the bones down inside my nose....NO THANK YOU! talk about painful. So I'm hoping that once I get my allergies under control, it should control the issue enough.

Life hasn't changed much since my last post, between being sick and focused on the house, everything else has been put on hold. Friday can't get here soon enough! :-)