But lately, like most people with access to social media or the news, I've seen the unrest. The anger. The shout against injustice. And its prompted quite a bit of self reflection for me.
I find myself terribly grieved. To see the masses of women who feel oppressed, unequal, unimportant...its grieving. And also confusing. I found myself asking "why do I not identify with that? Why do I not find myself jumping in with both feet in support of my fellow sisters?" Asking myself these questions made me realize that its not a sheltered or magical life I've lived that has kept me from seeing the realities of the world. I've seen first hand the ugliness and violence the world has to offer, particularly towards women. Prior to becoming a mother, I worked as a Sexual Violence & Domestic Violence counselor. I've heard the sound of desperation on the other end of the crisis hot line, I've gotten the call in the middle of the night from the hospital and seen devastation materialized. I've sat in my chair and listened to stories of horrors and atrocities that I can't even bear to repeat. I've grieved right along side these hurting women and men that unfortunately required the services I was trained to provide.
So why don't I feel more personally connected to the "war against women?" I'm not an unfeeling person or a naive person. So why am I not leading the march or shouting from the roof tops?" In asking myself this question, I've found that it comes back to my walk with the Lord. The way I view myself and the women around me comes directly from the scriptures I've read. Being bullied constantly in elementary school, having strained family relationships, working in a professional setting...those experiences taught me that not everyone is going to like you. Not everyone is going speak life into you. Not everyone is for you. There are some that intend to do you harm and there are some that do harm to you unintentionally as well. The world's voices speak loudly that women are sexual objects, simple mothers, idiot drivers, etc. Aside from the "world's voices" often hurtful labels and inappropriate behavior can come from close family and friends.
But what does the Lord say?
The very creation of women signifies the importance and value women hold. Genesis 2:8 says "Then the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him." Women were created because men were not complete without them. Fashioned from Adam's rib, Eve's place was to stand beside him. Not in front of, not behind. But beside him. The Lord created women to be a "helper." Not a damsel in distress. Not incompetent or dependent...those traits would simply serve as a distraction for man. The Lord's intention in the creation of women was to bring a helper, strong and capable to meet the needs of those around her. Proverbs 31 address even more specifically the role a woman is to take. Its not a feeble or passive stance. The Lord places the call on women to be trustworthy, to be ambitious, to take initiative, to make wise financial choices, to work hard, to plan ahead, to be generous, to behave with dignity. The word strength/strong is used repeatedly throughout the Bible to describe women.
The calling the Lord has placed on all women is no small task and is not limited to a "particular" job. Whether you marry, have children, work professionally, work inside the home, remain single, do not have children...the call the Lord has for you is still the same. We are to be helpers to those around us. The world calls me simple, but the Lord calls me capable. The world calls me weak, but the Lord calls me strong. The world reduces me to my sexuality, but the Lords calls me beautiful.
Ladies, we hold the ability to create peace or stress to those around us. When Josh walks through the door, I can choose to speak life giving words and encourage him. Or I can choose to reject the calling the Lord places on me and speak harshly and discourage him. Being transparent, I choose the latter far too often. Selfishness is easy. Choosing to walk in the fruits of the spirit is not. But the actions that hold the greatest reward are not the easy steps.
This week of self reflection has shown me that I do not feel the oppression of women, because I do not receive my identity from the world around me. The Lord has placed a call on me, on all women, and I choose to focus and believe the biblical words that say I'm capable, strong, smart.
We live in a fallen world. There is injustice. There is inequality. There is so much ugly. But as women, the Lord created us specifically to see and show the beauty the world has to offer. Pray and reflect on what that looks like in your own life. Walk in the role you were created specifically for, celebrate your womanhood.