Little Man is flying through his babyhood. At 2 months he started rolling over, at 3 months he started crawling, at 4 months toys became his joyful focus, at 5 months he realized he loved our dogs, at 6 months he crawls incredibly fast to every part of the house, gets into EVERYTHING, and is trying to walk. WHERE did my newborn go? :-) Its been so fun to watch him discover and try new things. Trying new foods have been particularly fun. We had decided to skip jarred baby food puree's and rice cereal since Josh and I try to stay away from overly processed foods as we can in our normal day to day and we wanted to do the same with Jack. So around 4 months when he started showing curiosity towards food we where eating, we decided to let him try a couple things using the "baby led solids approach". Since he was trying foods earlier than I had originally planned, I bought a baby mesh feeder that I put pieces of whole banana or avocado in for him to try. The mesh feeder helped him hold it better and taught him to chew up the small bites he would get their the mesh. He used that about a month before he learned how to grasp tiny objects so I started giving him small cubes of steamed fruits and veggies. He is a curious and enthusiastic eater. So far the only item he doesn't like his peaches. I gave him a slice of a peach and he didn't like it. But avocado and sweet potato's seem to be his favorites, with green beans running a close third. I'm still nursing him for his primary nutrition, but the addition of trying new foods has been a fun process for him so far.
This past month, we had his baby dedication at our church. Josh's dad performed the ceremony. It was sweet and made me so thankful for the family we have and the church family we have. Jack has a lot of people around him to speak life into him and its a precious gift I value greatly.
Last week we went on a week long vacation to Marianna to visit our family up there. Jack got to play with his cousins and loved it. My nephew Carson is 3 and my niece Julia is 2. Spending time with all 3 of the kids together made me incredibly excited for the large family we hope to have. I loved watching the kids all play together and it made the trip such a joyful one. With all 3 kiddo's so close in age It was loud, busy, chaotic, and I loved every minute of it. We even took the kids to the park one morning and Jack got to play in the sand and swing on the swings for the first time. It was a refreshing week as we soaked up family time.
Besides delighting in our growing little boy, life has continued the same fast pace as we're working hard to get new programs and ministries started at our church this year. The friendships and community we've developed at Genesis Church are such precious relationships and I'm constantly impressed and humbled watching the commitment, determination, and love the people in our congregation show towards others. I'm so happy to be apart of it.