Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Jackson is 2!!!!!

My Sweet Boy, 

       You are 2 years old!  I can't even really believe it.  The memory of you kicking my belly, being born, coming home are still so fresh in my mind.  Everyday you surprise me with something new you've learned.  My constant climber, you always are looking to brave new feats.  Your 2nd year of life was a big one.  You became a big brother! The love you show your sister melts my heart and I'm so proud of how sweet you are.  We also moved from Florida to Utah! You love the parks and camping we do here. Your favorite thing is to RUN. You are my rough and tumble little man.  This past year, I've seen your shyness to new people melt away. You are quick to make new friends and love to make people laugh. You constantly want to be on the stage at church. Playing the drums is your greatest joy. You have your daddy's sense of humor and laugh loudly.  

     You are very sensitive to others feelings, if your sister cries, you give her a hug and make sure she has her paci. Your favorite foods are chocolate! Spanish rice, hash browns, spaghetti, watermelon, celery! you eat celery A LOT. You've discovered Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and sleep with a stuffed one at night. You're a bit of a late talker, but always swift to get your ideas across. You've recently learned to say your sister's name, usually loudly as you wake her up to play with you. You always want her nearby.  Our dog Tele is your best buddy. You look for him first thing in the morning and play with him all day. If you can't find him, its "Tele! Tele! Tele!" until you do. Whenever we have company, you always want to show them your dog. He loves you just as much as you love him. He is always by your side.  

   Jack-Jack, you've made our lives fuller than we ever thought possible. My sweet boy, I'm so thankful you made me a mama. I can't wait to see how God uses your sensitivity and your determination. You've made Daddy and I so proud, just by being you.   Your giant hugs make me warm. Your loud laugh fills my heart. Your silliness makes me laugh. You are my little man. 

Happy Birthday Baby!
I love you to the moon and back, 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Hello new season!

Life is significantly different since my last post in October.  My beautiful daughter Nora Betty has been born. She is our chubby little ball of laughter.  Mamahood has been my greatest gift.  Watching my son and daughter develop a bond together, seeing their little personalities grow and mature, its added a beauty to my life that is like nothing else.  With 2 babies under 2, there's busy moments for sure.  But even in those moments, I am thankful.  I do not wish away the moments. Each day is a gift that only comes once.  It shouldn't be rushed through,  wished away, or wasted.

Another change is that we now live in beautiful Utah pastoring a church! I've been blown away by our church people. The kindness and welcome we've received has been overwhelming. But I'm even more astounded by the opportunities that God has provided. He has given us a vision for this church and this community that both Josh and I are so excited about. And we can see that all these years, God has been preparing us to be exactly where we are now.  Even down to the professional jobs I held prior to becoming a mother.  Two weeks ago, I told Josh that I at times missed doing crisis counseling. I enjoyed assisting someone walk though and out of a dark season into a season of joy and freedom again.  But with us having two children currently and hoping for 4-5 children,  I figured that my season for volunteering my services as a crisis counselor was a good 12 years away.  God had other plans though. He put that desire in me at the perfect moment to be used much sooner than I thought.  I'm thrilled to be using those skills inside our church and am in awe how God orchestrates everything to fit perfectly together.

"All of this is for your benefit. And as God's grace reaches more and more people, there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory. That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day." 2 Corinthians 4:15-16

 Life is messy. Its complicated. Its unfair sometimes. Its joyful. Its inspiring. Its renewing.  But be encouraged, all of these moments, God is using them for good.  God is not the author of the dark moments life can bring, but he is the writer of your life story. Using the complicated and easy moments together to bring the plans He has for you to fruition.

Be present in today. See the beauty in the ordinary, the mundane, the everyday. Today is a gift. It only comes once. Embrace it fully.