I can't believe that its been so long since my last blog. Time has gone by SO fast, I feel like I blinked and August was over. But thats just fine for me. Because it means I'm all that much closer to breaking out the Christmas decorations. lol.
Things are certainly picking up for me at my job. I've got 5 new cases this week, bringing me to 15 kids so far. Thankfully, I have a supervisor that has been really great helping me get settled into the job. Everyday is something different and you wouldn't believe half the stuff that comes across my desk each day, its a constant reminder to me at how lucky I am to be blessed with the life I have. It also reminds me to carry a thankful heart and compassionate one towards others, so while its a job thats paying the bills, its also one that is continuing to grow me into a better person.
For the past few weeks, Josh has also been working a lot of overtime and crazy days at his office. Its been stressful and tiring for him, but its been a great opportunity for him to show himself as a valuable employee and to remember patience, even when he's tired.
Our little Lucy is not so little anymore. She is now 40lbs....and only 4 months old....she is slightly bigger than I thought she would be, but she is still half the size Tele is and super sweet. She is such a cuddler. But, she is also MUCH more willful than Tele ever was. Needless to say, when she starts her dog classes on the 28th of the month...she is going to tossing around an attitude. lol. She doesn't like to be told what to do. However, on the flip side, she is significantly smarter than Tele. Its interesting to see, but she uses reason a lot more than he does. So, I'm excited to see her turn into the good dog that I see glimpses of every now and then. lol.
The house is coming along nicely. I found drapes for the living room, that just came in the mail today. Can't wait to have Josh hang them up! I've found various decorations for different rooms for the house each weekend and its really starting to look wonderful. I can't wait to get it finished and then post a video tour of the house. :-)
I've begun preparing myself for Thanksgiving already. Its the first major holiday I'll have ever hosted and so I'm pretty excited about that. With family coming in for the Holiday, we'll have a house of 10 people and 3 dogs (Tele, Lucy, and Betty is going to bring Penny) :-) Since we've got the space and the beds, it just made sense to offer to host it. Plus I love having a house full to cook for. Thank goodness I married a man that likes having company just as much as me. :-) We are planning on having our Christmas decor up and out by then, simply because with family coming from out of town, and since we go pretty over the top for christmas, we decided to put it up early this year so everyone could see it while they were here. Its going to be a lot of fun. :-)
I'm excited to be moving closer to my favorite season for the cooler weather and festive decorations, but also because the fall and winter months hold a lot of special memories for Josh and I. We're just 3 months away from the 2 year anniversary of when Josh asked me to marry him. I can't believe its been almost two years, but at the same time, I can't believe its been only two years. So much has happened and changed, and they've all been wonderful.
One of the wonderful changes is that my sister-in-law is pregnant with my 2nd little niece or nephew. Josh and I are super excited for Salena and Jason and can't wait to find out if its a boy or a girl. Our nephew Carson is getting so big and has to be one of the most photogenic babies I've ever seen. He is adorable. We don't get to see him often because of living so far, but a few weeks ago I did get to talk to him on the phone for the first time. He said "hi" and "buh-bye" lol. It was so cute seeing Josh try to talk to him on the phone. My husband has fully jumped onto the baby train with me and he is completely ready for us to have our own kids. Its fun getting to see that side of Josh and makes me all the more excited for us to try to get pregnant this coming spring. We just want a couple more bills paid off and the house finished up with decorations and then hopefully I'll be focusing my attention on decorating a nursery. :-) Can't wait! :-)