Thursday, May 30, 2013

Love, Mama

My little Jackson,  

You've been growing like crazy over the past month. With each passing day, I feel you move around with more strength. Your kicks and flips shake my belly quite visibly and often even wake me from sleeping.  It never fails to bring a smile to my face and a spirit of thankfulness to my heart as with each flip and kick, I'm reassured you're doing great and growing just as you should.  We've got just 9 more weeks to go, and your Daddy is just beside himself with excitement to meet you.  You're so special to him already, my sweet boy.  He can't wait to find out what types of things you'll like to do and the interests you'll have.  We know already that you certainly like your sleep.  Any time we've had an ultrasound to see how you're growing, its taken quite a bit of effort to wake you up.  You sleep on your stomach with your little feet tucked under and refuse to budge until you're ready.  I've been awed each time we've gotten to see you. You're the answer to long awaited prayer.  

As your birth has started to draw nearer and nearer, I've been thinking about the type of things I want to teach you.  The types of character traits that I hope you develop as you grow into the man God wants you to be.  I hope to teach you to be loving to others, to speak up in unjust situations, and to walk confidently into your dreams.  But the biggest lesson I hope to teach you, was placed on my heart a couple weeks ago.  We went to visit your Grandpa and Nana in Marianna.  During that visit, while we were at church, the song "It is well with my soul" played.  I've heard that song tons of times before, but this time the words stood out to me more than they had before.  

"When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul"

This simple chorus is what I hope to teach you not only by my words, but in my daily choices as a living example to you.  Life gets complicated.  Its not always easy. Sometimes, bad things just happen. People can be cruel at times. But regardless of whatever situations or circumstances life brings your way, my greatest wish for you is that you'll be able to stand up and say "it is well, it is well with my soul"  to be able to rest and trust in the peace of knowing that God is sovereign and you are never alone.  Life brings constantly changing seasons. Some are filled with overwhelming joy, others hold periods of sorrow. Both hold memories and lessons you'll need.  Never let your situation define you, its only temporary. I hope you're able to find yourself grounded steadfast on faith and trust in God.  Your Daddy and I will always be there in the background, loving you and supporting you in all you do. I can't wait to see the things you'll accomplish or the places you'll go.  

I love you to the moon and back Jackson,

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