Monday, June 16, 2014

Grace Baby

                                                         Grace Baby #2   10 weeks 6 days

Yesterday we had our 1st ultrasound of our bouncing baby #2! Watching the baby play with its fingers and hear the strong heartbeat are always the best days of pregnancy for Josh and I. Ultrasound days definitely make the rough parts of pregnancy so very worth it.

This pregnancy is very different from my first one with Jackson. I have had morning sickness, but its been no where near as excessive as it was with Jackson. I've not battled getting dehydrated this time which as been a welcome change.  I still feel pretty icky, VERY lightheaded and tired. But I'm thankful its much better than before. Honestly, pregnancy is definitely not easy for me. I don't enjoy it very much, but I LOVE expecting a baby.  Knowing that our family is growing and thriving, that I'm carrying a little life, its an experience like no other and I'm so very thankful for it. 9 months really does go by incredibly fast and before I know it, we'll be introducing Jackson to his new sibling. I really can't wait! We're hoping for 4 children, I told Josh I'd love a set of twins in the mix. A two for one deal sounds great, lol. Guess we'll see how it all happens.  Parenthood has been a wonderful experience. Jackson brings so much joy to both Josh and I. We've loved watching him discover new things and experiences. His little giggle flips my heart every time and even though he's 10 months old, I find myself watching him while he sleeps and I'm still in awe he's here and ours. I can't wait to begin the adventure all over come January when our next little one makes his or her appearance.

This past month we took Jackson to Disney World for the 1st time. It was such a fun day. It was a completely different experience watching it all through his eyes. During one of the parade's the crowd was encouraged to join in, and Jackson, on Josh's shoulders, got to dance with Woody in the parade. Toy Story is his favorite movie so it was really neat that's the character that paid attention to him. I stayed a few steps back as I was video taping it and I ended up tearing up. Watching Jackson laugh and have so much fun, brought such a fullness to my heart that I couldn't help the few tears. I'm sure pregnancy hormones had a bit to do with it as well, lol.  But seeing the day through Jackson's eyes, watching his amazement and delight in everything, it made me so very grateful. This season of walking in the dreams Josh and I always hoped for, is such a surreal and amazing season. I'm constantly in awe of God's design and so very thankful for the paths he's laid out. I can't wait for baby #2 to be here and watch our little family of four grow! :-)